


  • GAM Report: The Global AIDS Monitoring report provides international data on progress in combating the epidemic

    GAM Report: The Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) report is an international monitoring and accountability tool that compiles and analyzes data on the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It provides a comprehensive overview of countries’ progress, outlining achievements, challenges, and gaps in prevention, testing, treatment, and support services. Through standardized indicators and globally comparable data, the GAM report informs policy-making, strengthens program implementation, and supports global advocacy efforts to end the AIDS epidemic.

  • React Rights Violation Registration System: A platform for documenting and analyzing human rights violations related to HIV

    REAct (Rights – Evidence – Action) is a system for monitoring and responding to human rights violations at the community level.

    In Ukraine, the system has been implemented since 2019 by the ICF “Public Health Alliance” with the financial support of the Global Fund. The REAct platform enables public organizations to respond to existing violations in a timely manner and to prevent similar cases in the future. The project’s target groups are representatives of key communities vulnerable to HIV/TB, namely: people who inject drugs (PWID); patients of the ОАТ program; people living with HIV (PLHIV); men who have sex with men (MSM); trans* people; sex workers (SW); people with TB; prisoners (and ex-prisoners); sexual partners of clients of risk groups (PLHIV, PWID).

    REAct is a system capable of documenting a wide range of issues related to human rights, barriers to access to HIV-preventive or medical services.

    Such information is strategically important for implementing and ensuring an adequate response to rights violations at the individual level (primarily, referrals to receive legal, medical, psychosocial and other services) and for quality programmatic response and improved policy and advocacy at the regional and national levels.

    Official website: https://react-aph.org


    "DATACHECK" is a system designed to record and control consultations and services, ensuring transparency and data reliability in the implementation of social projects. This system tracks services provided, verifies programmatic indicators, and prevents data falsification. Through a mobile application, users can see what services they have received, evaluate their quality, and participate in enhancing the product.

    The creator of the "DATACHECK" system is 100% LIFE, the largest patient organization in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The author of this solution is Dmytro Sherembey, the head of the organization. More than 3,500 social workers are involved in 100% LIFE’s projects, and the implementation of the system has significantly improved control, project management, and process transparency.

    Today, the "DATACHECK" system is successfully employed by government systems in Ukraine and USAID projects. Donors and clients have real-time access to system results, where analytics are generated based on specified parameters. Each day, the system verifies 5,300 services, and over two years, this number has reached 5.2 million services.

    The system’s security is ensured by a state certificate of the comprehensive information protection system, and its data security meets the requirements of the European GDPR regulation.

  • The National Information System "Monitoring of Socially Significant Diseases" in Ukraine

    The National Information System "Monitoring of Socially Significant Diseases" in Ukraine is a centralized digital platform designed to gather, process, and analyze data on the prevalence, treatment, and outcomes of various high-impact health conditions. Within this system, there is a dedicated HIV treatment module that collects detailed patient information, tracks therapeutic interventions, monitors treatment adherence and effectiveness, and supports healthcare professionals in improving care quality and patient outcomes.

    About the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (CPH)

    The CPH is a public health institution under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine responsible for epidemiological surveillance, prevention, and response to both infectious and non-infectious diseases. It carries out laboratory activities, ensures biological safety and protection, and provides a robust public health infrastructure to safeguard the population.

    As the Ministry of Health’s lead agency in public health and in mitigating dangerous, particularly dangerous, infectious and non-infectious diseases, the CPH coordinates national and local responses, implements immunoprophylaxis programs, and provides laboratory diagnostics. It acts as the national coordinator for the International Health Regulations and manages public health emergencies.


    To become the national leader in fostering a culture of health among the population of Ukraine.


    The CPH stands guard over the strengthening, preservation, and protection of the health of Ukraine’s population. It works for:

    The professional community: by developing professional and educational standards, creating conditions for continuous professional development, and improving educational quality.

    The population: by providing reliable data on diseases and epidemics, promoting healthy lifestyles across all age groups, and responding effectively to health emergencies and threats.

    State authorities: by forming evidence-based foundations for management decisions, legislation, and sectoral programs.

    Local self-government bodies: by offering expert opinions, profile recommendations, and forecasts at the local level.


    Proactivity: Achieving goals by shaping the world rather than letting it shape you, embracing challenges, and taking action now.

    Expertise: Continuously enhancing knowledge and skills, staying ahead in both understanding and practice, and striving for daily improvement.

    Teamwork: Recognizing that outstanding achievements come from constellations rather than lone stars, strengthening through unity, and playing on the same team.

    Transparency and Openness: Upholding honesty, providing accessible, reliable, and objective information, and ensuring that work is conducted ethically and openly.

  • R.I.D. Electronic Registry of HIV Prevention, Care, and Support Services in Moldova

    The Information System for Monitoring and Management of Socially Significant Diseases is an electronic register designed to streamline prevention, care, and support services for people living with or at risk of HIV infection. Developed and piloted by Positive Initiative in 2018, it was subsequently transferred to the National Program for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS/STIs in Moldova. Today, it is actively utilized by all HIV-service NGOs, the penitentiary system, and major Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) sites, ensuring comprehensive and integrated data management within the country’s health infrastructure.

    This digital platform provides an information system for the registration, storage, management, monitoring, and evaluation of data on services and goods delivered to beneficiaries as part of prevention, treatment, care, and support interventions. The primary goal is to offer a real-time monitoring tool that delivers reliable data for decision-making, evaluation, and improved service delivery.

    Key Features

    Real-Time Data Tracking: Collects and stores information on beneficiaries, services, and goods in a single database.

    Enhanced Management Capabilities: Managers at all levels can access key indicators and beneficiary data to make informed decisions, improve accountability, and increase the efficiency of service provision.

    Improved Transparency and Efficiency: By reducing bureaucratic processes and offering instant access to data, service providers and stakeholders can better allocate resources and respond effectively to health challenges.

    How It Works

    Each beneficiary receives a magnetic card linked to a unique user code. When a service is provided or a product is issued, the card is scanned via a mobile or stationary device equipped with a dedicated application. The corresponding data is immediately recorded in the database, enabling managers and stakeholders to access and analyze up-to-date information and generate reports as needed.

    Key Technical Solutions

    API (Application Programming Interface): Facilitates seamless integration, defining requests, data formats, and extensions, ensuring interoperability with other platforms.

    Business Intelligence (BI) Tools: Collect and analyze internal and external data sources, generating dashboards and reports that support evidence-based decision-making and strategic planning.

    Database: Organizes and maintains all beneficiary, service, and goods information, supporting secure data management practices.

    Web Portal: Serves as a user-friendly platform for accessing integrated data, personalization options, search capabilities, and dialogue-based on-line services.

    Web Server: Ensures reliable and secure hosting for the database, applications, and web portal.

    Data Management and Access

    Service providers enter depersonalized or personalized beneficiary data, depending on the chosen strategy. Data is hosted on a secure server, and analytics can be displayed on both open-access and restricted dashboards, ensuring appropriate data confidentiality and user-level permissions.

    Potential System Functionalities

    Beneficiary Profiles

    Nomenclature of Goods and Services

    Mobile and Web Applications for Registration

    Electronic Warehouse Functionality

    Public and Restricted Dashboards

    Automated Reporting

    Through its integrated approach, the Information System empowers health professionals, NGOs, and government agencies to better coordinate HIV prevention, treatment, and support services, ultimately contributing to a stronger public health response in Moldova.

  • DHIS2

    DHIS2 is an open-source, web-based health information management system widely adopted for storing, analyzing, and presenting medical data. Its medical component provides healthcare professionals and organizations with a user-friendly platform for recording, tracking, and monitoring prevention-related health services. This functionality helps streamline data collection, improve data quality, and facilitate evidence-based decision-making.


    The system’s medical component is currently employed in Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and Tajikistan for the registration of prophylactic measures. In Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, the launch and further development were supported by the SOS2 project. By supporting standardized data entry, analytics, and reporting tools, DHIS2 enables healthcare providers and policymakers in these countries to better understand population health needs, optimize resource allocation, and enhance the overall efficiency and quality of their prevention programs.

  • Gross national income per capita (Atlas method)

    Gross National Income (GNI) per capita is the dollar value of a country’s final income in a year divided by its population using Atlas methodology.

  • World Justice Project (WJP): Rule of Law Index

    The 2024 WJP Rule of Law Index® evaluates 142 countries and jurisdictions around the world. For the seventh year in a row, the rule of law has declined in most countries.

  • Worldwide Governance Indicators

    Good governance is essential for development. It helps countries increase economic growth, build human capital, and strengthen social cohesion. The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) describe broad patterns in perceptions of the quality of governance across countries and over time.

    The WGI are based on existing data sources produced by more than 30 think tanks, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and private firms around the world. The data sources (1) produce original primary data using their own well-defined methodologies, (2) report respondents’ perceptions of relevant dimensions of governance, (3) cover multiple countries, and (4) are regularly updated.  The data reflect the diverse views of tens of thousands of survey respondents and experts worldwide.

    The WGI combine these into aggregate indicators of six dimensions of governance for over 200 economies over the period 1996–2023:

    - Voice and Accountability

    - Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism

    - Government Effectiveness

    - Regulatory Quality

    - Rule of Law

    - Control of Corruption

  • ARV Drug Price Analytics: Information on prices and availability of antiretroviral drugs in the region

    ARV Drug Price Analytics (https://prices-art.aph.org.ua/) provides information on the prices and availability of antiretroviral medications in the region. The reference price portal is an information and communication platform that aims to gather and present data on all stages of ART procurement—from needs assessment to contract implementation. This platform was developed in coordination with Health Advocacy Coalition (https://hac.health/) data collection under the regional project “Sustainability of Services for Key Populations in the EECA Region” (SoS_project). The SoS_project is implemented by a consortium of organizations from countries in the EECA region, led by the Alliance for Public Health ICF in partnership with the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH, the Central Asian Association of People Living with HIV, and the Eurasian Key Population Health Network. Financial support is provided by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

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