
Focusing on Data, Driving HIV Response

Data Ecosystem of HIV Response Measures in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA)

Welcome to the Data Ecosystem of HIV Response Measures in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). Our project aims to create a unified platform for storing, analyzing, and visualizing HIV data by integrating various information sources. We provide free and open access to depersonalized data, contributing to a more effective fight against the epidemic in the region.

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Key Features

Centralized Data Repository: A secure and reliable place for storing HIV response data.

Analytical Platform with BI Technologies: Tools for advanced analysis, visualization, and interpretation of data, enabling trend identification and forecasting.

Interoperability and Standardization: Compatibility with various systems and data standards to facilitate information exchange between organizations.

Hybrid Data Collection: Support for both automatic and manual data entry, providing flexibility and data completeness.

Data Source

GAM Report: The Global AIDS Monitoring report provides international data on progress in combating the epidemic.

React Rights Violation Registration System: A platform for documenting and analyzing human rights violations related to HIV.

National Systems of HIV Prevention, Care, and Support: Data from governmental and non-governmental organizations on HIV prevention and treatment.

ARV Drug Price Analytics: Information on prices and availability of antiretroviral drugs in the region.

Gross national income per capita (Atlas method)

World Justice Project (WJP): Rule of Law Index

Worldwide Governance Indicators

The analytical platform was developed by the Public Association "Positive Initiative" and launched within the framework of the regional project “Sustainability of Services for Key Populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia” (SoS_project 2.0), implemented by a consortium of organizations led by the Alliance for Public Health in partnership with the Charitable Organization "100% Life", with financial support from the Global Fund.

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